Saturday, June 23, 2007

Reconsider CVTC outsourcing by John Moseng Former Instructor

Chippewa Valley Technical College is currently considering outsourcing most, if not all, of its administrative Information Technology (IT) functions to a company named SunGard. SunGard originally was brought in several years ago to help the college IT department address several problem areas. I thought they were to address those problems and help the college IT department to become self-sufficient again, thereby working themselves out of a job.

However, the college (the president and the board) has continuously expanded SunGard's role, signing several long-term contracts for more and more work. Except for top management, most employees have not been impressed with SunGard's work. Good employees (often former students of mine) have left or been reassigned-demoted, and SunGard employees (some in Florida) have replaced CVTC employees.

The college also may be considering outsourcing many of the admissions, business office and library functions to SunGard. Dedicated, longtime employees will lose their jobs, many to be replaced by SunGard employees in Florida. The maintenance-custodial functions also are up for possible outsourcing.

Outsourcing makes sense in certain cases, such as providing some services to CVTC's outlying locations where CVTC employees can't be justified. However, with a new president about to be hired, it would seem prudent to let the new president evaluate the situation before further outsourcing is finalized. Please contact CVTC board members (see and ask them to stop the layoffs of dedicated employees and to stop sending many of these jobs to Florida.


Retired CVTC IT Department chairman

Eau Claire

Article supplied by Bullsht; and thank you for the headsup. Too bad this article wasn't published before the board meeting.

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