Friday, June 15, 2007


Scroll down a page, to the area of this color, and you won't believe Dr. I's statement. Really. Don't believe it, ask for a copy from CVTC. Just call 715-833-6200.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

8:30 AM – RCU Community Center


Members: (* = Present): *Judi Anibas, *Bruce Barker, *Leslie Bleskachek, *Dawn Bosold, *Sue Brehm, *Sherry Chambers, *Margaret Dickens, *Larry Doyle, Shawn Emberts, *Jim Gross, *Joe Hegge, *Beth Hein, *Mark Hendrickson, Tom Huffcutt, *Bill Ihlenfeldt, *Margo Keys, *Ellen Kirking, *Kirk Moist, *Doug Olson, *Diane Pavelski, Dan Raffesberger, *Adam Stavn, *Terry Bilderback, *Jim Mortwedt, and *Candy Johnson.

1. Announcements

a. The Cabinet Retreat is scheduled for June 25, 26, 27. Location to be determined.

b. Bill asked that all communication with the Board go through the President’s Office. He also asked that if Board members contact individual Cabinet members, they should let the President’s Office know of that. Bill wants information to go to all Board members—not just one.

c. Bill announced that he has tickets available for the Breakfast in the Valley on June 8th. Cabinet members can contact Candy if interested.

d. Bill reported that he presented the budget to the Board last week. It will be published shortly. He indicated the three unions declined the proposal to pay a portion of their health insurance premiums and the proposal to go to self-funded insurance.

1. Status Reports

a. FTEs - 4582 current, 4419 previous, 4597 projected, 94.47% of target; 4% increase over last year.

b. Admissions – Larry reported that applications for fall are up 16% over last year. There are 155 applicants for the University Transfer program.

c. Contracted Training Revenue - $632,845 current, $949,172 previous, $1,186,671 projected, 53% of target, down 33% from last year. Jim Gross has asked that larger contracts be entered into the database to give a clearer picture of the status of contracted training revenue for the year.

d. News Release Ideas – budget, new nursing instructor in River Falls, quality initiatives with faculty development, motorcycle classes, Nanoscience student trip to CA, Nanoscience Capstone, River Falls Criminal Justice graduates, high cost seminars, nursing graduates (largest number of grads, high passing rates on Boards, Nursing Alliance grads), summer safety issues.

The NanoRite ribbon cutting is scheduled for Friday, August 24. Also need to plan an open house for METI Live in June or July.

e. Academic Council – No report.

f. Operations Team – No report.

g. IT Update – Adam is working on a process to prioritize unfunded projects.

2. Action Items

a. June Board Agenda. The June Board agenda was reviewed. Program Investigation for Landscape and Turf Management was added by Margaret. Jim Gross may be bringing forward a Code Blue Floodhouse construction item forward later this summer.

3. Information Items

a. Title III Grant Update. Tabled until June 5th.

b. New Mailing Requirements. Doug Olson reported on new postal rates that went into effect on May 15, 2007. Size, shape, and weight matter. Doug will work with Margo to schedule training sessions for support staff on the new regulations.

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