Friday, April 27, 2007

Spotlight on Dr. Bill Ihlenfeldt!!!!!!!

Here he is, Dr. Ihlenfeldt . Maybe this is not one of Bill's best photo efforts, then his Porsche Carerra might improve his image.

If you enjoy watching more Chippewa Valley Technical College jobs get "contracted out" to Sunguard/Collegis of Florida. Here is your man. He is the one who allowed this to happen over the last six years. Give him time, he'll eliminate more jobs, and send them to Florida. It only costs 2.2 million dollars per year of your tax money, plus expenses. What are the expenses, who knows, no one can find out. ....... Watch as your taxes increase without any representation by the board members for you. Yup, there not elected, there appointed. No kidding, how can that happen?

Did you know CVTC most likely pays for the airline, meals, motels, rental cars and who knows what else for Sunguard/Collegis employees when they visit CVTC from Florida. This fact cannot be substantiated, due to CVTC 's leaderships lack of responsiveness to the actual costs of having Sunguard/Collegis at Chippewa Valley Technical College.

It is bad enough, the State of Wisconsin is having "Outsourced Monetary Problems" with contract vendors, but this in your own backyard. So if you don't mind paying more taxes and getting less, keep paying your taxes, that is no problem. Bill will surely spend your money, wisely... If you do mind paying, send Dr. Ihlenfeldt a thankyou email and congratulate him at

OR Better yet, give him a call. I"m sure he'll explain to you that which, he will not explain to anyone else, even employees at the college. 715-833-6211

With a budget shortfall of at least 3 million left to go for this year, local jobs are surely on the line. Not a problem, no one in leadership will lose their jobs, just secretaries, teachers and other support employees. If you want any answers to any questions, Bill's the man to ask. He dodges "bullets faster that superman", err I mean direct questions that require an answer.

You'll find Bill and his faithful companion, Bruce Barker at all the vital meetings in the area.

Pay now, learn later.


Sunday, April 22, 2007


Go this link to read how CVTC doesn't even answer questions about the outsourcing, when Terry Nichols asked them. Adjourn to Closed Sessions.
Mr. Terry Nichols – Had specific questions on how the outsourcing of our information technology
works. The public hearing adjourned at 6:42 p.m.

You gotta love it.

Read it, and ask Dr. Ihlenfeldt why. He can be contacted at I think the following email address: