Monday, December 3, 2007

CVTC on UW's Turf

Updated: 12/3/2007

This article from EC Leader Telegram provided by Dipsy Doodle

CVTC on UW's turf

Page 38 of the Wisconsin Technical College System Policy Manual (dated September 2007) reads as follows:

"To further highlight the distinctiveness of their educational missions, the UW System Board of Regents and the Wisconsin Technical College System Board agree to the following assurances: (1) the WTCS and the UW System will not seek to expand their missions into the other's statutory responsibilities; (2) the WTCS will offer only those general education courses needed for students to complete their Associate Degree programs (normally, such courses do not exceed 15 credits); and (3) the college parallel programs at Madison Area Technical College, Milwaukee Area Technical College, and Nicolet Area Technical College will continue, but college parallel programs will not be initiated in other WTCS districts."

After reading the above, it appears Chippewa Valley Technical College is in violation of this policy with its Liberal Arts Associate of Science Program. This is a two-year general education program requiring 64 credits. The program video emphasizes that these credits cost less than they would at a two-year or four-year university. This program parallels the programs at the two-year universities. CVTC has the unique distinction of having three four-year universities in its district. These universities have excellent general education programs as well as quality four-year programs.

If you have read my letters before, you know I believe it's time to take funding of all higher education to the state level. Until the recent budget, the UW System has had to deal with anemic budgets and major cuts over the past decade. Yet, it seems CVTC has funding to create a two-year general education program in a relatively short time. It's time for true educational funding reform.



So now for the big question. What does Mr. Go Along with anything Bill Ihlenfeldt wants - New President Bruce Barker going to do? HE can't blame Bill, or can he. That's correct, Bruce was part of the original decision making problem. Now's the time to step up to the plate. How many more CVTC staff will this cost in jobs. Not a problem, there are more outside contractors ready to work at CVTC than CVTC has employees. Let's see, Sunguard/Collegis Maybe Manpower - Kelly Services, and the list continues.


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