Sunday, February 7, 2010

Moving From One Moron to Another

I have not posted anything for several years now against my better judgement. Not that I have not received a multitude of emails pertaining to how CVTC is run in this transition. It seems Mr. Barker is no better that his predecessor in honesty.

I'll not say anything derogatory about Mr. Barker, he is a self professed anti-labor anti-union lawyer of course. That was the truth mentioned above. He certainly doesn't like to tell anyone what he is doing. Interestingly, one day we will see how the lawsuits for age discrimination proceeds. Heard tell, Barker has less than six months to address the issue, if the board even knows about. So now for the facts.

Wouldn't it be Nice if Talented people can make a difference.

Imagine a career (not at CVTC) where your talent makes a difference in the world each and every day.
Imagine a work environment where your talent isn't taken for granted. We believe that people's talents should be shared - with teammates, with customers, guests, our members, and entire communities across the country, to make the world a better place.

So I guess that includes all of the outsourcing of jobs, part-time no benefit positions, no Social Security either, and of course Leadership does not experience that list of negatives. We have a labor surplus, let's use them as cheap as we can, and hire more leadership that we need. We'll create a whole bunch of warm fuzzies so everyone feels great about their job. Few will ever see a retirement, unless you're a teacher or manager. That is fair. We share, but we get what we want.

Good Luck Mr. Barker. Your past will definitely surpass your future endeavers. Lawyers are like diapers, they need to be changed on a regular basis or they will stink to high heaven.
